Sunday, October 7, 2007

Nikki won!

What's Wrong With Mud? won the ABC book competition! Congrats to Nikki!
You can check out her blog here...

And as part of Angela's incentive competition, Nancy won this piece. Congrats to her as well...

(I think this is one of my favorites, so peaceful and carefree.)


KnittyNancy said...

Nikki did deserve to win! I'm so pleased for her. Can you believe that I won!?!!??!! How fun!

Angela said...

You should see some of Nikki's "paper pets." They're simply incredible, too. The picture of pearl & elvis on Beth's blog...yep that's one of her creations. :)

~Tonia~ said...

I am so glad that she won. She was the best out of all of them for sure.