Friday, September 21, 2007

Still patiently waiting

Ravelry says:

You signed up on August 18, 2007
You are #26768 on the list.
11153 people are ahead of you in line.
7770 people are behind you in line.
44% of the list has been invited so far

There were 17,171 ahead of me somewhere along the line so I guess about 1/3 have made it in the last month. Couple more months, maybe?!?!?


Beth said...

Maybe not that long - they've seriously ramped up the invites now that they've got the new servers.

~Tonia~ said...

I second what Beth said. They are trying to bust out as many invites as they can.

KnittyNancy said...

Hope it will be sooner. We *need* you to be in Ravelry! ;)

Valerie said...

It actually goes by reaally quick, so I don't think it will take that long.